9) He loves to fish. He practices casting in our swimming pool. He is even patient enough to go out on the boat with his daddy for several hours without complaining.
8) He is very outgoing when it comes to talking to new people (humm wonder who he gets that from?) but cautious when it comes to trying new things.
7) He is becoming a professional Ring Bearer :0)
6) Ty has a very good memory!! Don't tell him anything unless you are gonna follow through with it. Trust me...he will call you out on it!
5) He is a major animal lover!
4) His favorite songs now consist of Low, Dead and Gone, and Do the Ricky Bobby. He knows the choruses to these songs and WILL "stop and pose for the frame"!
3) No matter if he is eating a nice homemade meal or Tyson chicken nuggets he will always swear that his daddy and I are "the best cookers in the world!!"
2) Ty loves his bunk beds and is even brave enough to sleep on top.
1) Although he loves his bunk beds, there is no better place than mommy and daddy's bed at 4:30 am!!
Pretty sure you hit the nail on the head with the outgoing part. I tried to avoid our neighbor when I was pushing Ty in a wheelbarrel and Ty yells out, "HI!!! MY NAME IS TY!!!!" I was like dangit, now I gotta stop and talk!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA~